A magazine mockup showing a slim, square and open magazine with shadows. The PSD file allows you to customize the page content (smart layers) as well as the background. The…
A rendered iPhone mockup – perfect for presenting UI/UX designs! Completely layered PSD file with three smart objects and customizable background. The dimensions are 4000 x 3000 px at 300…
A free t-shirt mockup for showcasing your own shirt print designs. The PSD file offers a color pick layer – alternatively, you can simply move your own designs into the…
A logo mockup showing a close-up of an embossed logo on strong paper. Layered PSD file with smart objects and changeable background color or surface. The dimensions are 4500 x…
A rectangle box mockup that includes the lid and a small manual. The PSD file is equipped with three smart layers for customizing the branding of each item. You may…
An A4 brochure or magazine mockup that shows two open pages. Print-ready PSD file (3000 x 2000 px at 300 dpi) with two smart layers and customizable background color or…
A super-clean coffee bag mockup showing coffee packaging, a to-go coffee cup, and coffee beans. Fully organized PSD file (with each item on a separate layer) with smart objects for…
A free vinyl record case mockup that shows a floating record case with some reflections. Fully organized PSD files with smart layer for adding your own designs. You may also…
A rendered metallic sachet mockup. Organized TIF file (works just like a layered PSD file) with options to change the sachet color and branding (smart object). The dimension are 5000…
A free rubber stamp mockup – perfect for showcasing logo designs. Photo-based PSD file with a single smart layer and the following dimensions: 2400 x 1746 px.
A sausage or baloney mockup. The PSD file allows you to change the complete branding as well as the metal ring colors. The dimensions are print-ready: 2500 x 1667 px…
A highly customizable A4 magazine mockup showing an open magazine with both pages visible. The PSD file is fully layered and comes with two smart layers. You may also change…