Completely layered, clean mockup of a MacBook. The image measures 2560 x 1800 px. PSD file – no smart layer though (use clipping mask).
Photo-realistic (yet computer-generated) scene showing an iMac on a modern desk. PSD with smart layer, dimensions: 2400 x 1800 px.
Show off you poster designs using this 1000 x 1000 px sized mockup. Layered PSD file with smart object.
beautiful mockup shot of a wine bottle on a dinner table. PSD file (2500 x 2000 px) with a smart object for editing the bottle label.
A collection of six photo-realistic mockups of an iPhone. High-res PSD files (5184 x 3456 px), each comes with a smart layer.
Super high-res mockup of a MacBook on a wooden desk: 7360 x 4912 px at 300 dpi. PSD file with smart layer and additional color filters.
Mockup of a folded brochure or catalogue. PSD file with smart layer, dimensions: 2000 x 1400 px.
High-res and photo-realistic shot of a minivan. The PSD file (4000 x 2000 px at 300 dpi) is equiped with a smart layer.
Completely layered (including changeable backgrounds) mockup of a sheet of A4 paper. Dimensions: 2500 x 1875 px.
A collection of 16 perspective mockups showing a tri-folded A4 brochure. PSD file with smart layers that measures 1000 x 750 px.
A perspective view mockup of two iMacs. Layered PSD file (change background), measuring 4000 x 4000 px.
Change colors and artwork in this paper bag bag mockup. Super-high-res PSD file, measuring 7315 x 4883 px (at 300 dpi) with smart layer.